The activities of the Orbis Safari division are aimed at maintaining the vital activities of hunting grounds and developing ecological tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Today, Orbis Safari develops the livelihoods of hunting grounds located in the Kolzhatsky rural district of the Almaty region. The total area of hunting farms Orbis Safari is more than 100,000 hectares.
The division’s tasks include: the scientifically based management of hunting farms, protection, accounting, increase in the number and rational use of the state hunting fund.
Along with the rational use of natural goods and the development of the natural economic sector, the activities of the Orbis Safari division are aimed at developing ecological tourism.
Today, on the territory of Orbis Safari hunting farms, active work is underway to develop and improve the sports and tourism infrastructure: arranging bivouacs and campgrounds, animal observation sites, developing ecological routes, maps and trails for hiking, horseback riding and cycling.
The development of hunting and tourist farms Orbis Safari their rational use and infrastructure improvement involves improving the socio-economic development of the Kolzhatsky rural district, involving the local population in the protection of natural objects and environmental education, and in the future will create a sustainable domestic tourism platform for a wide range of the public.